Leeds Grenville, located halfway between Toronto and Montreal, is home to 13 municipalities of different sizes and characteristics. The total population of Leeds Grenville is 100,546 (Statistics Canada 2016). The City of Brockville (population 24,000 in 2016) is the area’s largest city and serves as the economic and cultural hub of the region. Located on the shore of the St. Lawrence River, Brockville is known as the ‘City of the 1000 Islands’ and is within minutes of two international bridges to northern New York State. In 2010 Brockville was designated a Safe Community by the World Health Organization and, as Ontario’s oldest incorporated municipality, is also a heritage community.
Leeds Grenville enjoys four different seasons every year: summer, fall, winter and spring. You can find out about the weather in your area by listening to the radio, watching television, reading the newspaper or checking online.
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville is committed to the effective delivery of the services in a cost efficient and accountable fashion to benefit the diverse interests of each municipality within Leeds & Grenville. To learn more about the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville, visit their website.
Here is the list and contact information for municipal offices in Leeds Grenville. These offices are where area residents pay taxes and various service fees pending on the municipality. One can also find information about garbage collection, recycling programs and recreation programs.
Municipality |
Website |
Address |
Phone Number |
Athens | www.athenstownship.ca |
1 Main Street West, |
613-924-2044 |
Augusta | www.augusta.ca | 3560 County Road 26, RR2, Prescott, Ontario |
613-925-4231 |
Brockville | www.brockville.com | 1 King Street West, Brockville, Ontario |
613-342-8772 |
Edwardsburgh/Cardinal | www.edwardsburghcardinal.ca | 18 Centre Street, Spencerville, Ontario |
613-658-3055 |
Elizabethtown-Kitley | www.elizabethtown-kitley.on.ca | 6544 New Dublin Road., RR2, Addison, Ontario |
613-345-7480 |
Front of Yonge | www.frontofyonge.com | 1514 County Road 2, Mallorytown, Ontario |
613-923-2251 |
Gananoque | www.gananoque.ca | 30 King Street East, Gananoque, Ontario |
613-382-2149 |
Leeds and the 1000 Islands | www.leeds1000islands.ca | 1233 Prince Street, Lansdowne, Ontario |
613-659-2415 |
Merrickville-Wolford | www.merrickvillage-wolford.ca | 317 Brock Street West, Merrickville, Ontario |
613-269-4791 |
North Grenville | www.northgrenville.on.ca | 285 County Road #44, Kemptville, Ontario |
613-258-9569 |
Prescott | www.prescott.ca | 360 Dibble Street West, Prescott, Ontario |
613-925-2812 |
Rideau Lakes | www.twprideaulakes.on.ca | 1439 County Road 8, Delta, Ontario |
613-928-2251 |
Westport | village.westport.on.ca | 30 Bedford Street, Westport, Ontario |
613-273-2191 |
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville | www.leedsgrenville.com | 25 Central Avenue, Brockville, Ontario |
613-342-3840 |
The St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership is a coalition of organizations committed to building local capacity to attract, settle, and integrate immigrants. The Immigration Partnership also encourages organizations, individuals, and communities to recognize and celebrate cultural diversity. Lead by two staff members, and representatives from 25+ community agencies, the Immigration Partnership works throughout the 10 municipalities and 3 partner communities that make up the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Established in 2010, the Immirgatuion Partnership is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, and is one of seventy-seven Immigration Partnerships across Canada.
We refer immigrants to local services
Local Residents
We are involved Leeds Grenville communities in welcoming newcomers to the area.
We support employers in developing and maintaining culturally diverse workforces.
Community Agencies & Service Providers
We raise awareness of local and regional immigrant support resources.
We support immigration and cultural diversity themed initiatives.
We identify immigrant needs and develop community-based plans to address them.
Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy Report:
Immigration-Strategy-Refresh-Report.pdf (467 downloads)
Leeds and Grenville Immigration Strategy Executive Summary:
Leeds-and-Grenville-Immigration-Strategy-Executive-Summary (436 downloads)
St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership Rack Card: Rack Card English (806 downloads) Rack Card French (593 downloads)
Leeds and Grenville Immigration Statistics Card: Front Stats Card (616 downloads) Back Stats Card (630 downloads)
Refugee Community Guide: Refugee Community Guide (678 downloads)
Newsletters: 2013 Newsletters (623 downloads) 2014 Newsletters (629 downloads) 2015 Newsletters (613 downloads) 2016 Newsletters (588 downloads) 2017 Newsletters (10411 downloads) 2018 Newsletters (21349 downloads) 2019 Newsletters (14338 downloads) 2020-Newsletters-1.html (332 downloads) 2021-Newsletters.html (330 downloads)
Diversity Day Report: 2018 Diversity Day Report (613 downloads)
Winners: Dr. Raja Sandhu and Dr. Gurfateh Sandhu of Sandhu Dental Group
Finalists: Trang Le of Trang Le Salon, Kashif Riaz of Computer Liquidators, Tan Masong of Nahkon Thai, David Shanahan a Local media and historian, Vijay Beri of Electric Appliance, and Iran Saidi of Bebe’s Salon
Winner: Ahmad Khadra of Kinda Electronics
Finalists: Subhendu Mukherjee of 1000 Islands Catering, Peter Wilmer of Brockville Digital Marketing, Gui Qing Lu (Joe) of Chinastudio 9 Salon and Day Spa, Kashif Riaz of Computer Liquidators, James Fuller of James Fuller New Building Design and Heritage Restoration,
Winner: Kashif Riaz of Computer Liquidators
Winner: Magdalena Duris of Piccolo Cafe Plus
Finalists: Paul and Alison Goodyer of Cosies, Frank and Judy Li of Dewar’s Inn on the River, Don Szeto of Dragon Garden Restaurant, Kutebah al Youssef of Horizons Painting, Sam Rawas of Richard’s Coffee House, Anu and Guru Khosa of Tandoori Mint
Winner: Ting Tsai of Panache Bakery
Finalists: Brenda Couchier of ATOR Properties, Annick Rousseau of Berry Homestead Farms, Claudia Mathieu of Katarina’s Coffee Shop, Hasan and Yildiz Duman of Prescott Turkish Restaurant, and Sam Rawas of Richard’s Coffee House
Winners: Maciej and Siobhan Brodowski of 1000 Islands B&B
Finalists: Samia O’Day of Canada Music Academy, Paul Waenink of Marion’s Honey, David Shanahan of The North Grenville Times, Harsh and Kenisha Patel of Parkedale Pharmacy, and Sam Rawas of Richard’s Coffee House
Winner: Marc Gómez Segú of El Rebost de les Mil Illes and European Quality Foods
Finalists: Alfred Missak of Athens Pharmasave, Harsh and Kenisha Patel of Parkedale Pharmacy, and Wajahat Khaleeque of Sunset Grill
Winner: Ujjval Prajapati of Pizza Pizza Brockville
Finalists: Wajahat Khaleeque of Sunset Grill, Nataliia Edwards of Natasha’s Ukrainian Cuisine
Winner: Harsh and Kanisha Patel of Parkedale Pharmacy
Finalists: Fares Alkhteeb and Lina Alakabani of A Taste of Syria, Dara and Anand Singh of Indian Cuisine Hub, Nicola Craggs of Leave the Books to Me, Clint Wright of One Love Jamaican Cuisine
Below is a current list of the St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership Council members. The Partnership Council meets quarterly to discuss joint priorities, funding opportunities, new immigrant programs, and community based solutions to local immigrant challenges. Partners marked with an asterisk (*) participate on the Employment and Settlement Working Group that is dedicated to such initiatives as the Annual Leeds Grenville Immigrant Entrepreneur Award.
Immigration Partnership Council Members
Ahmad Khadra: Immigrant Representative, Syria
Brockville & District Multicultural Council: 613-342-1469 and brockvillemulticulturalfestival.com
Brockville Public Library: 613-342-3936 brockvillelibrary.ca
Chinese & Canadian Heritage Cultural Association: peter00au@gmail.com
City of Brockville Economic Development: 613-342-8772 x4440 and brockville.com/economic-development
CSE Consulting: (613) 342-2312 and www.cseconsulting.com
Eastern Workforce Innovation Board: (613) 382-7462 and www.workforcedev.ca/index.php/en/
Employment + Education Centre: (613) 498-2111 and www.eecentre.com
Every Kid in Our Communities: coordinator@everykid.on.ca and www.everykid.on.ca
Francophone Immigration Support Network of East Ontario: 613-217-9600 and rsifeo.org
Frank Onasanya: Immigrant Representative, Nigeria
Fulford Academy: (613) 341-9330 and fulfordacademy.com
KEYS Job Centre: 613-382-1085 and keys.ca
Kashif Riaz: Immigrant Representative, Pakistan
Leeds Grenville Small Business: (613) 342-3840 and www.lgsmallbusiness.com
Leeds Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit: (613) 345-5685 and healthunit.org
Merrickville Preparatory School: (613) 269-2064 and www.merrickprep.com
Municipality of North Grenville: 613-258-9569 and www.northgrenville.ca
Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands: 613-659-2415 and www.leeds1000islands.ca
Refugees for Brockville: www.refugeesforbrockville.com
St. Lawrence College: (613) 345-0660 and www.stlawrencecollege.ca
Town of Prescott: 613-925-2812 and www.prescott.ca
TR Leger Immigrant Services/ TR Leger Services aux Immigrants: 613-342-1127 and www.trlimmigrantservices.ca
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville: 613-342-3840 and www.leedsgrenville.com
Upper Canada Leger Centre: (613) 342-0371 and uclc.ca
Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence Rideau: (613) 498-2111 ext. 226 and www.volunteercentre.ca
YMCA of Eastern Ontario, Brockville YMCA: (613) 342-7961 and www.eo.ymca.ca
Email: melissaf@eecentre.com
Social Media: @LGImmigration
Phone: 343-264-1147
Mail/In-Person: 105 Strowger Blvd. Brockville, ON, P.O. Box 191, K6V 5V2
We Are Neighbours
We Are Neighbours is a campaign that was born from individuals and organizations across Leeds and Grenville who wanted to recognize the diversity of people living throughout the region. Combining photos and videos, social media posts, and online articles, the St. Lawrence-Rideau Immigration Partnership hopes to inspire dialogue and connection among all Leeds and Grenville residents by having people share stories that represent them, their cultures, and their families.
To learn more, get involved, and to read the stories, check out the We Are Neighbours website.